Happy holla - days... for me, this means family time, decorations, presents, fireplace on, Christmas movies on, Christmas songs blaring, work parties, get togethers, our annual ugly Christmas sweater party, baking, baking and more baking, and of course, WINE drinking!
This time of year makes me so happy. I love everything about it except for the stresses that come with it. The shopping dead lines, the cleaning, the never ending dishes, that damn elf, the running around to functions, parties and get togethers (which all happen to be on the same day).
So this year with covid, I was honestly sad and upset that we wouldn’t get to see ALL of our family, that the get togethers would be smaller, that we wouldn’t have a million functions/parties to attend, no zoo lights, no school party to chaperone, no school Christmas program, no Fox plays, no moms night out, etc, etc.
So instead of being sad, I’ve decided to be grateful, thankful and blessed to have healthy family and friends. To enjoy time at home with our kids, to embrace the quiet and low key holidays and to....enjoy! Cheers to a quiet holiday and to a hopeful “normal” year to come!